Takeaways from this webinar include: Learn the 5 foundations of restorative justice and the core principles and practices that support personal, interpersonal, and collective healing; challenge and strengthen your own restorative mindset and become a stronger force for conflict transformation; and receive inspiration and resources for building your capacity to repair harm and strengthen communities in an ongoing way.
About Our Guest Speaker

Scott Brown is a mediator and restorative justice practitioner, a workshop leader, life and relationship coach, transpersonal psychologist and author. He has worked as a restorative justice program coordinator, a wilderness rites of passage guide, and as a mentor to youth both in and out of the criminal justice system. He is a leading advocate for bringing the principles and practices of restorative justice to bear on the full range of social issues and is the author of Active Peace: A Mindful Path to a Nonviolent World. He holds a master’s degree from Naropa University in transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology and has comprehensive training in Nonviolent Communication and body-centered psychotherapy. More information about Scott and his work can be found at www.4ActivePeace.com.