Members Directory

Below are directory listings of Association for Spiritual Integrity member organizations and individual members in alphabetical order by last name by default. You can click on the table headings to sort differently. Only those members who have provided their information for this directory are listed.

Please note that we do not endorse, recommend or approve of any particular spiritual leader, teacher, guide or teaching (individual or organization) listed. We are only providing a directory listing of our members as a resource. We advise anyone looking for spiritual guidance to review the Student Guidelines and apply due diligence and discernment in your selection process.

ASI never shares, sells, or gives out membership data to anyone (email address or otherwise).  However, all information listed in the Members Directory is in the public domain.  If you are a member and would like to update your listed information, please contact us through the Contact Form.  The data listed are what you selected to share when you filled out your membership application.

Member Organizations

Individual Members

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